A standing ovation is a form of applause where members of a seated audience stand up while applauding. This is done on special occasions by an audience to show their approval and is done after extraordinary performances of particularly high acclaim.
It is my stance that the standing ovation has become widely overused and as a result has become grossly undervalued.
Proper Use of a Standing Ovation:
Roman citizens began the practice of the standing ovation as a sign of respect and honor for returning victorious military units. This can (and should) be continued for our troops currently, regardless of political beliefs or any interpretation of "victory".
- As a sign of respect for certain political offices, a standing ovation is a necessary tradition that should be continued. This is why at the beginning of the State of the Union address, the President is never introduced by name, simply by the office.
- When a performer has achieved a level of success that is so far beyond the normal or expected standards, then a standing ovation is a suitable response for the audience. This can be for stage performances, athletic achievements, etc. There really needs to be some self-control on the audiences part in regards to this third standard. I'll touch on this later, but generally if you were able to think about something other than the performance at hand while sitting in the audience, than a standing ovation is not warranted.
Abuses of the Standing Ovation:
Back to the state of the union address. This singular event has more problems with the standing ovation than anything else I can think of. First of all, there is no need to stand up every time the President says something you agree with. Secondly, the standing ovation, or lack thereof, should not be used as a political statement. We know the republicans want smaller government, you don't need to stand up when the President mentions it. We know the democrats want anything and everything that Bush 43 didn't, so there's no need to split the room down the middle during standing ovations. Just don't applaud at all until the end of the speech.
What Caused This Abuse of the Standing Ovation?
I don't think that everyone thinks every performance they go to us standing ovation worthy. But, when a critical mass of an audience stands up (probably 20-25%) and it forces the hand of the rest of the audience to join them. A reasonable audience member that knows the standing ovation is not worthy, doesn't want to make a scene by being the one person not standing up after the mediocre 10th grade version of "Hello Dolly".
Also, now that the standing ovation has become so widely abused, if an audience doesn't give a standing ovation, the performers may be offended and as a result have their self-esteem shattered. What a pity.
What's the Big Deal?
It is my belief, that the abuse of the Standing Ovation is a small part of a larger problem with our current society. We are way to happy to praise people for an average performance. This goes beyond the stage and athletic fields. There are major productions for 5th grade graduations now. Seriously?! 5th grade is an accomplishment?
A reduced standard for excellence can, will, and has resulted in lower standards across the board and a reduced quality because of it. It may be a stretch but I think you can blame standing ovations for this:

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