It is only the 3rd day of December and I already feel like we all need a bit of a reminder in Christmas Light Etiquette. Here a few ground rules you should abide by, if you need further instruction or clarification then just don't put up whatever you aren't sure about.
1. No inflatables. This is the most disturbing new trend in outdoor decorations. It is quick to set up and tear down, so it would seem that it is the perfect decoration for the hectic holiday season. But, no one needs to see Winnie the Pooh and Tigger riding in Santa's sleigh with Oscar the Grouch in tow with a big bag of presents. Not to mention how sad they look in the daytime when they aren't plugged in. The children of this generation will need counseling due to seeing a different deflated baby Jesus on each street of their neighborhood.

2. Less is more. I am as guilty of being tempted to keep adding to a good display as the next guy, but most things are better off in moderation, and Christmas lights are no exception.

3. Not a melting pot. Just because Garden Ridge carries icicle lights, led lights, C7's, C9s, minis, and whatever else, doesn't mean you need to buy and use each kind. Find what you like and use that.

4. No light shows. We've all scene the video of the house that is all tricked out to the music of Trans-Siberian Orchestra, it's awesome. But, that's not your house and no $19.99 box of "light show" lights will make your house look like that.

5. Don't be stupid. I am all about using the natural lines on your roof and the trees and bushes in your yard. But, just because you have a truck permanently parked in front of your house that won't start does not mean that you should draw attention to that.

I am sure I will be adding to this as the Christmas season progresses and more people use the month of December as an excuse to turn their front yard into an electric array of tackiness.
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