I've decided to try something a little different this year.

I've decided to try something a little different this year.
Labels: adolf hitler, idiots, names, parents
Here's the situation:
A buddy of mine is having a hard time paying his bills, I want to be sure that he can stay in his house and get him self back on the right track, so I give him $70 to get him in a better situation.
Now, I have another buddy of mine who is also in a bad way and is just as important to me. He doesn't need as much, probably only $1.40, should I give him the money?
Of Course! If I was willing to give my first friend 70 bucks why would a dollar-forty be a big deal when my other friend needs some help?!
Congress approved giving the big financial companies 700 billion dollars a few months ago, that's a lot of cash. But now they are arguing over giving the big 3 auto companies 14 billion. *Still a lot of dough, but when compared to 700 billion it is very small.
Why are there so many idiots that make these decisions?!
The only difference I can see is that one decision occurred right around an election and the other is not...
Labels: automakers, bailout, government, idiots, politics, wall street
MSNBC has a "breaking news" article on their website today about a new record that 1 out of every 10 homeowners is at least one month behind on their mortgage payment.
I am not an economist, but I feel like if 90% of us are doing this right, then we are in pretty good shape.
Some other numbers that are closer to being considered a crises in my opinion:
25% of males have a felony on their record.
14.2% of 8th graders have smoked marijuana.
66% of adults are overweight.
17.5% of 6-11 year olds are overweight.
It is only the 3rd day of December and I already feel like we all need a bit of a reminder in Christmas Light Etiquette. Here a few ground rules you should abide by, if you need further instruction or clarification then just don't put up whatever you aren't sure about.