This post really is just the result of me being bored and finding some interesting information on the world wide interweb. Here are the top 3ish money-making movies for each rating.
1. Finding Nemo $339,714,978 (my wife's favorite)
2. The Lion King $328,541,776
3. Monster's Inc. $255,873,250
9. Gone With the Wind $198,676,459 (highest G-rated non-animated film)
1. Star Wars $460,998,007 (the 1977 original)
2. Shrek 2 $441,226,247
3. E.T. $441,226,247 (really?! ET?)
1. Titanic $600,788,188
2. The Dark Knight $521,890,027 (the only 2008 film on the list)
3. Pirate's of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest $423,315,812
1. The Passion of the Christ $370,782,930 (3 very different movies in the R category)
2. The Matrix Reloaded $281,576,461
3. Beverly Hills Cop $234,760,478
It appears obvious that PG-13 is the way to go for the big money makers. There are 7 PG-13 movies that made more than The Passion (R).
And if you are curious, making NC-17 movies is really not a good investment. Showgirls is the highest grossing ever, and it only made $20,350,754.
What is wrong with E.T.? It is one of my favorites.
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