Labels: alcohol, law, marijuana, prohibition
I'm not Catholic, so I don't make the Fat Tuesday-Lent-Easter Oreo each Spring. But, I do like the concept of it. So, I am going to try my best to give up TV until Easter.
Well, not totally, that's insane. I am going to watch TV if there is a program on that I know I want to watch, or I have something recorded on the DVR, etc.
I hate to say this, but the man I voted for president has made his first mistake as Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.
It is being reported that the Obama's have decided on what type of dog they will get now that they are in the White House.
And the man that makes the most important decisions in the entire world, has shown that he can buckle under pressure.
The Obama's are getting a Portugese Water Dog.
I have a few issues with this selection:
- It is an ugly dog. Plain and simple, that dog is ugly.
- The dog's breed has another country in it. That may not be a big deal but, it kind of is.
- The dog ranks 62nd in popularity in the US. That's just behind Whippets and just ahead of Shiba Inus...................Exactly. (How can the US population relate to a man that has a dog that is less popular than the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier???
- My main problem with the dog though, is that it doesn't look more like this:
The St. Petersburg Times (among many other online sites) is taking it upon themselves to personally keep track of every one of President Obama's campaign promises.
Does this make more sense than the stimulus plan just passed by Obama and Congress?